Rasta Roo

Rasta, also referred to as “Rasta-Roo” or just “Roo” is the only four-legged Wandering Alaskan in the bunch. Rasta was born in Sonoma Valley, California. When she was just a pup she was relocated to Santa Rosa, California to begin her training as a service dog with Canine Companions for Independence.

This is where Judy’s and Rasta’s paths intertwine. See, Judy had been eagerly awaiting her new service dog for several years and she had finally arrived in California to meet her new dog and begin training together. However, after a few days of working with the dog she was originally assigned, it became apparent that the dog needed more training. Becoming a hearing service dog is one of the hardest service animal positions and takes a special dog that possesses great intelligence, incredible awareness, and an overall very unique personality. So, now there was a dilemma because there were no more hearing dogs ready to go with Judy. Rasta was still in training with the younger class of puppies and was not yet as advanced as the other dogs; however, she had excelled at her training and the facility felt she might just be ready. So, they introduced Rasta to Judy. It was immediately a perfect match; the two just clicked perfectly. After weeks of training together at the facility, Rasta and Judy both graduated and were ready to go back home to Alaska to start their companionship.

Rasta has fit perfectly into the lives of Michael and Judy. She helps Judy every day by “being her ears.” Rasta goes to work with Judy, travels everywhere with her, sleeps with her at night, and of course goes on adventures with her. Judy wanted to make sure Rasta could safely partake in motorcycle adventures as well. So, Judy and Michael built a special bike for Rasta.

Early on

I am so fascinated by photography and it’s capability to bring your imagination to amazing places. Early on, I fell in love with the idea of filming my own productions, so I set out to learn everything I could.


I have been teaching myself filmmaking for the past four and a half years and I’m still learning every day. I am building my business as a freelance filmmaker, as well as working on my own photo shoots.